Key Laboratory of Brain Functional Genomics, Ministry of Education

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"Foxg1 has an essential role in postnatal development of the Dentate Gyrus"赵春杰 博士(东南大学基础医学院)-2011.10.19

发布日期: 2016-08-30  浏览次数: 115  作者:

"Foxg1 has an essential role in postnatal development of the Dentate Gyrus"赵春杰 博士(东南大学基础医学院)-2011.10.19

时间:2011年10月19日 10:00


报告题目:Foxg1 has an essential role in postnatal development of the Dentate Gyrus

报告人:赵春杰 博士 东南大学基础医学院


报告人简介:东南大学基础医学院,教授;国家杰出青年科学基金获得者;2000年3月,获东京大学医学系研究科分子细胞生物学博士学位。2001年4月,在加里福尼亚大学旧金山分校(UCSF)作博士后,从事发育神经生物学的研究。研究成果发表于《Cell》、《Development》、《J. Neuroscience》等学术刊物上。2005年获得国家杰出青年科学基金资助,2007年入选江苏省中青年科技领军人才。主要利用基因工程小鼠研究由于神经系统发育缺陷而导致的相关疾病的发病机理。负责承担国家杰出青年基金、973重大项目和国家自然科学基金等多项研究项。


报告简介:In mammals, neurogenesis occurs in the subgranular zone (SGZ) of the dentate gyrus (DG) throughout adulthood, and dentate neurogenesis is thought to be defective in many disorders. The mechanisms underlying early DG development and adult neurogenesis, however, are not well-understood. Foxg1, formerly BF-1, is expressed continuously in the postnatal and adult DG. This transcription factor (TF) is thought to be involved in Rett Syndrome (RS), which is characterized by reduced hippocampus size. This phenotype indicates an important role for Foxg1 in hippocampal development. The early functions of Foxg1 have been examined in the mouse cortex and adult hippocampus, but due to the perinatal death of Foxg1-/- mice, the function of Foxg1 in postnatal DG neurogenesis remains to be explored. In our research work, we report that Foxg1 is critical for SGZ formation and exerts differential effects on DG cell subtypes. In progenitors, Foxg1 promotes self-renewal, preventing their differentiation into glia and neurons. In postmitotic neurons, however, Foxg1 is required for survival and maturation.
