Key Laboratory of Brain Functional Genomics, Ministry of Education

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"Experiencing the environment: how hypocretin/orexin neurons perceive and respond to environmental cues" 高晓兵 博士(耶鲁大学医学院)-2012.9.7

发布日期: 2016-08-30  浏览次数: 28  作者:

"Experiencing the environment: how hypocretin/orexin neurons perceive and respond to environmental cues" 高晓兵 博士(耶鲁大学医学院)-2012.9.7

时间:2012年9月7日 10:00


报告题目:Experiencing the environment: how hypocretin/orexin neurons perceive and respond to environmental cues

报告人:高晓兵 博士 耶鲁大学医学院


报告人简介:耶鲁大学医学院副教授,1996年在中科院上海生理所获得博士学位后,前往美国耶鲁大学医学院进行研究深造,研究工作出色,研究兴趣涉及神经递质响应和突触可塑性、食欲素等神经肽的细胞生理学,膜片钳记录等多个方向, 在Nature medicine、Journal of neuroscience等多本高水平杂志发表了数十篇的研究文章,其研究项目获得NIH和Private foundation的认可和资助;因其出色的研究成果获得多个奖励,研究文章被Journal of Neuroscience(2008)以及Journal of Clinical Investigation(2007)特别推荐;担任Journal of Neuroscience、Journal of Physiology等多本杂志的审稿人和NIH 神经内分泌领域的项目审阅人。


报告简介:The neurons in the lateral/perifornical hypothalamus synthesizing the peptidergic hormone hypocretin/orexin are responsible for many homeostatic functions of the brain. These neurons make adaptive changes in response to environmental challenges. In this seminar we will discuss current evidence on how various environmental cues cause experience-dependent plasticity in hypocretin neurons and how neural plasticity in hypocretin neurons may re-shape the behaviors of animals.
