Key Laboratory of Brain Functional Genomics, Ministry of Education

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"Developing neuroimaging approaches in nonhuman primates to understand human behavior and disease"ANNA WANG ROE 博士(Vanderbilt University)-2012.4.6

发布日期: 2016-08-30  浏览次数: 19  作者:

"Developing neuroimaging approaches in nonhuman primates to understand human behavior and disease"ANNA WANG ROE 博士(Vanderbilt University)-2012.4.6

时间:2012年4月6日 10:00-12:00


报告题目:Developing neuroimaging approaches in nonhuman primates to understand human behavior and disease

报告人:ANNA WANG ROE 博士 Vanderbilt University


报告人简介:anderbilt University(范德堡大学)心理学系教授,放射学系教授,生物医学工程系副教授。主要利用光学成像列阵、fMRI、电生理、解剖学等方法,进行清醒状态下猴子视觉、触觉的神经环路和功能性组织研究。其研究成果在Neuron(《神经元》)、Nature Neuroscience (《自然神经科学》)、Neuroimage(《神经影像学》)等多种顶级刊物发表。


报告简介:One of the greatest challenges in modern science is to understand how the brain produces cognition and behavior. My research focuses on the elemental units of function in the cerebral cortex of nonhuman primates. Using neuroimaging methods in anesthetized and awake, trained monkeys, we have shown that these 200 um sized functional domains encode object features and are modulated by attention. Furthermore, these domains are selectively connected in functional networks that underly specific sensorimotor behaviors. We are now developing an optical brain-machine interface that permits both readout (via optical imaging and functional magnetic resonance imaging methods) and modulation of behavioral networks with selective stimulation (electrical microstimulation, pulsed laser stimulation, and optogenetics). These approaches are aimed at elucidating the circuitry underlying vision, touch, and selective attention. Such knowledge will lead to new understanding and treatment of neurological and mental disease.
