Key Laboratory of Brain Functional Genomics, Ministry of Education

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"From Cognitive networks to seizures: stimulus evoked dynamics in coupled cortical working memory networks"Mark bordner 博士(美国MIND研究所)-2013.6.17

发布日期: 2016-08-30  浏览次数: 74  作者:

"From Cognitive networks to seizures: stimulus evoked dynamics in coupled cortical working memory networks"Mark bordner 博士(美国MIND研究所)-2013.6.17

时间:2013年6月17日 10:00


报告题目:From Cognitive networks to seizures: stimulus evoked dynamics in coupled cortical working memory networks

报告人:Mark bordner 博士 美国MIND研究所


报告人简介:Mark bordner, Ph.d本科毕业于美国匹兹堡大学,加州大学洛杉矶分校获得博士学位。曾在加州大学洛杉矶分校精神病学和生物行为科学系,加州大学埃文分校物理系任职,现担任美国MIND研究所所长以及匹兹堡大学数学系和约翰霍普金斯神经外科系兼职教授职务。研究方向:包括神经网络的数学模型、工作记忆数学模型的建立,以及研究癫痫等神经疾病的机制。


报告简介:Recurrent networks of cortico-cortical connections have been identified as the substrate of working memory activity and patterned sequenced representation as needed in cognitive function.  We initially determine how working memory behavior arises first in such local cortical area networks, and the emergence of possible seizure state with changes in critical network parameters.   We then determine how the normal working memory dynamics and seizure dynamics are modulated and spread through the development and examination of distributed networks corresponding to multiple brain areas.   The effect of excitatory stimulation to activate working memory behavior through selective persistent activation of populations is examined in the models, and the conditions and transition mechanisms through which that selective activation breaks down producing spreading paroxysmal activity and seizure state as occur in the human brain is characterized.  Because seizures may arise as attractors in a multi-state system, pathological networks may possibly be returned to baseline or normal states through particular forms of stimulation.   We examine when this may occur and the forms of stimulation necessary for the range of different seizure dynamics, and relate this to methods of neurostimulation which recently have received considerable attention.
