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"NMDA receptors: molecular diversity, mechanisms and synaptic regulation "Pierre Paoletti 博士(法国INSERM研究所)-2014.5.28

发布日期: 2016-08-30  浏览次数: 37  作者:

"NMDA receptors: molecular diversity, mechanisms and synaptic regulation "Pierre Paoletti 博士(法国INSERM研究所)-2014.5.28

时间:2014年5月28日 10:00


报告题目:NMDA receptors: molecular diversity, mechanisms and synaptic regulation

报告人:Pierre Paoletti 博士 法国INSERM研究所


报告人简介:法国INSERM研究所(National Institute of Health and Medical Research) Research Director,IBENS 研究所(Biology Institute of Ecole Normale Supérieure) Team leader。Pierre Paoletti 博士的主要研究兴趣为NMDA受体的结构、药理和功能,具体研究方向为解析NMDA受体作用的分子机理、亚基特有的药理学特征以及在生理和药理过程中,兴奋性突触的NMDA受体的内源性调节因素(如锌离子)。其出色的研究成果发表在Nature, Neuron, Nature Neuroscience, Nature Structural & Molecular Biology, PNAS, EMBO Journal and Journal of Neuroscience等国际一流学术刊物上;并且受邀为Nature Reviews Neuroscience 以及 Current Opinion in Pharmacology杂志撰写综述文章。2010年,获得欧洲神经科学学会FENS青年学者奖。


报告简介:NMDA receptors (NMDARs) are glutamate-gated ion channels that are widely expressed in the central nervous system (CNS) and highly permeable to calcium ions. NMDARs have always attracted attention because of their central involvement in neuronal development and plasticity. These receptors are essential mediators of synaptic plasticity and their dysfunction is implicated in a variety of neurological and psychiatric disorders (stroke, chronic pain, neurodegenerative diseases, schizophrenia), although NMDAR-based therapeutics have yet to be turned into clinical successes. I will present current knowledge on the anatomical and functional diversity of NMDARs, their molecular architecture and structural mechanisms, and the recent identification of key regions that control their subunit-specific gating and pharmacological profile. I will also present results obtained with knock-in mice revealing how endogenous modulators, such as zinc ions, interact with specific NMDAR populations and regulate excitatory synapses and behavior. Finally, I will briefly discuss how information about NMDAR regulation may translate into the design of novel therapeutic agents.
