Key Laboratory of Brain Functional Genomics, Ministry of Education

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"强化学习和价值决策的认知基础" 李健 博士(北京大学心理系)-2013.10.25
"Sound production, reception and acoustic-guided orientation"Philip Jen 博士(美国密苏里大学哥伦比亚分校)-2013.6.28
"Regulation of mood and emotion by adipostatic signals" 路新云 博士(德克萨斯州大学圣安东尼奥健康科学中心)-2013.6.21
"From Cognitive networks to seizures: stimulus evoked dynamics in coupled cortical working memory networks"Mark bordner 博士(美国MIND研究所)-2013.6.17
"How to get published in Nature journals?"张文浩博士(《自然中国》)-2013.6.7
"Genetically encoding new chemical functions in membrane proteins" Shixin Ye博士(法国巴黎高等师范大学)-2013.5.14
"Developing neuroimaging approaches in nonhuman primates to understand human behavior and disease"ANNA WANG ROE 博士(Vanderbilt University)-2012.4.6
"Two modes of communication between cortical neurons"舒友生博士(中国科学院神经科学研究所)-2012.12.7
"The discovery of face cell"Charles G. Gross 博士-2012.11.5
"Working memory network sequences and neuropathological dynamics"Mark bordner 博士(美国MIND研究所)-2012.11.4
"Prefrontal Cortical a2-Adrenoceptor and Attention-Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder"李葆明 博士(南昌大学)-2012.11.4
"Melanopsin Signaling in the Eye"游景威 博士-2012.10.30
"用遗传学新方法解剖发育、行为和疾病机理" 许田 博士(美国耶鲁大学)-2012.9.27
"Experiencing the environment: how hypocretin/orexin neurons perceive and respond to environmental cues" 高晓兵 博士(耶鲁大学医学院)-2012.9.7